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Born 1975 in München


2006 “The Sanctuary and the Scrum, curated by David Hunt, Black and White Gallery, NYC
“Paperworks,” curated by Daria Brit Shapiro, Paul Kopeikin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

2004 "Nuspojave", Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade ; Gallery Nova, Zagreb TZR Galerie, Bochum (solo)
"Salon mladih", HDLU Gallery, Zageb
"Filip trade" Collection, Art Gallery, Dubrovnik
"Radoslav Putar ", Gliptoteka HAZU, Zagreb
"Queer" festival, "Image Haddad" boutique, site specific installation, Zagreb
Galerija Rigo, Novigrad (solo)
"New Croatian Sculpture", Kazamat Gallery, Osijek

2003 "Camp Craft", Rijeka, Gallery Kortil
Gallery "Vladimir Nazor", Zagreb (solo)
Triennial exhibition of Croatian sculpture, Gliptoteka HAZU, Zagreb
"Cornucopia", Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery (solo)

2002 Meisterschueler, prof. Kamp, Duesseldorf Kunstakademie
Akademiebrief, prof. Kamp, Duesseldorf Kunstakademie
„Gast-art-beit", Labin Art Express, Labin

2001 TZR Gallery, Bochum
"Titus" Gallery, Zagreb Bochum Video Festival, Bochum
Osnabrueck Video Festival, Osnabrueck
Media + architecture biennale ( unofficial program ), Graz
„Gast-art-beit", MH Gallery, Zagreb

2000 transfers to class of prof.Irmin Kamp
International video + media prize, ZKM, Karlsruhe
Update 2.0 aktuelle Auswahl eines Medienpakets für das Goethe – Instituts
Pavillon, Galerie Annelie Brusten, Wuppertal (solo)

1999 "a s y l u m", Raum für Kunst, Graz (solo)
"The New Polynesia", psychiatric clinic Bedburg-Hau
Biennial of young artists, Rome

1998 Tokyo video festival, Tokyo Annual Salon exhibition, Zagreb
"day + night show", Passagegalerie, Vienna
Class show, Bunker, Cologne
ZKM, International video prize, ZKM, Karlsruhe
"a v o i d i n g", MH Gallery, Zagreb (solo)

1997 Impakt festival, Utrecht SGG festival, Geneve
continues art studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, in the class of prof. Jannis Kounellis

1996 Videonale 7, BonnSalon of young artists, Zagreb
Crossing over, festival & workshop, Sofia